75th Victory Day Anniversary

Victory Day 2020

August 1st, 2020 Russian Heritage Society celebrated 75th Victory Day Anniversary. The Celebration took place at the Elmridge room of the Tomahawk Hills Golf Course.

The program of the evening included: buffet style appetisers, music program and special scholarship award: Doctor Sergey Charanov scholarship 2020.

Megan Luttrell, the musician from Lawrence Kansas perfromed “Moscow Nights” to open the celebration .  Megan has been learning Russian language in the University of Kansas. Her repertoire includes several songs in Russian such as: Black Eyes, Kalinka, Moscow Nights. 

“Thank you for asking me be part of this special event.” Megan Luttrell 

“World War II took at least 25 million people in Russia alone.”


Elmridge Room

Tomahawk Hill golf course

The celebration incuded watching the Victory Day parade that took place in Moscow, Russia. Jane also shared videos of previous Victory Day celebrations. Dan and Jane performed traditional songs and shared pictures of  WWII veterans. 


Charity Mission 2019

Charity  Mission 2019

Our visit to Derbyshkinskiy Detskiy Dom-Internat Dlya Umstvenno Otstalykh Detey

Derbyshkinsky orphanage – boarding school, intended for citizens with mental disorders

Our orphanage has been operating since 1976. Currently, 138 disabled children (disabled children) aged from 4 to 23 years (palliative disabled people up to 30 years old) live here.

The main forms of activity of the orphanage:

– Providing social services to pupils in order to create favorable living conditions for them;

– Organizing care for pupils, leisure, carrying out therapeutic and health-improving and preventive measures;

– Organization of physical education of pupils, taking into account their age and health status;

– Providing social, psychological or other assistance to the parents of pupils (if any) in resolving a difficult life situation;

– Organization of pupils taking into account their mental abilities and physical capabilities;

– Comprehensive preparation and social adaptation of children to subsequent independent life, formation of social skills, communication skills;

– Implementation of individual rehabilitation programs;

– Implementation of measures for the social and labor rehabilitation of pupils in order to compensate for impaired abilities in everyday, social and professional activities, and integrate them into society.

Our charitable contirubution:


Russia Day 2019 in Houston

Russia Day 2019 

Russian Heritage Society with colleges at the Russia Day celebration in Houston. The reception took place in the city hall on June 11, 2019. Consulate General Pisarev A.B. and other officials congratulated everyone with this day, they talked about future plans, current projects and special achievements.

Consul General Pisarev Alexander Borisovich 

Alexander B. Pisarev was born in 1956. In 1978 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). In 1981 he finished the post-graduate program of the Institute for US and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Mr. Pisarev is fluent in English and French. Since 2013 he holds the diplomatic rank of Minister-Counselor Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the 2nd Class.

Mr. Pisarev has been part of the diplomatic service since 1991. He has held a number of posts both at the Headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and abroad. In 2005-2007 – Senior Counselor, section head at the Foreign Policy Planning Department. In 2007-2011 – Senior Counselor of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations Office in Geneva. Since June 2011 – Deputy Director of the Foreign Policy Planning Department.*

*From: rusconhouston.mid.ru

Russia Day 2017


Consul General of Russian Federation 

Pisarev A.


Slava Korolenkov Workshop

Slava Korolenkov workshop 2019

Russian Heritage Society welcomed Slava Korolenkov from Moscow. 

Workshop 2019 

Slava Korolenkov, master painter, impressionist from Moscow visited Kansas City again to lead the workshop for many local and out of state artists. Slava had a demonstration lesson and created the masterpiece of the Memorial Building. Followed by a 5 day intensive learning workshop that included still life, figure, portrait and of course landscape. 


MAACA Asian Festival 2019

Before the performance

Performers are warming up and preparing to sing some traditional folk songs. 

Primary Link


Primary Link

Fire bird Dance Studio

Dance studio performance

Primary Link

MAACA Asian Festvival 2019

Overland Park

Convention Center


As a member of Mid America Asian Cultural Association (MAACA) we were proud to represent Russian at the Asian Festival! 

Facebook page 

Jane Romanova-Hrenchir also was one of the organizers of Miss Asia contest and was happy to coordinate backstage process and help contestants with their runway routine. 

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