Royal Charity Ball 2024

Royal Ball 2024

Join us for an enchanting night of art, music, and philanthropy.
Wear your most formal attire, and immerse yourself in a world of elegance and generosity.
Bid at the silent auction, enjoy music, dancing, food & drinks, and support a great cause!
Let’s come together for an unforgettable night of Royal Charity Ball in support of Russian Heritage Society!
Tickets are $55 per person
Ticket includes: appetizers, dessert and performance
Wine and non-alcoholic beverage service available for the duration of the event

List the names of the attendees with your reservation fill out the form:  Guests Attending

Royal Ball 


April 2024

4:00 – 9 p.m.

James P. Davis Hall
East Dr, Kansas City, KS 66109


Entertainment program

Featured local performers 





From classical to modern


Unable to attend but want to  make a contribution ? We would appreciate your donation!



Dance to a variety of tunes by Big Time Entertainment “Dueling Pianos”



Charity Mission 2024

Charity Mission 2024

This year we are supporting children’s hospice in the city of Kazan, Tatarstan. The Angela Vavilova Foundation is 20 years old. All this time they have been working for residents of Tatarstan who need palliative care.
Over 20 years, they have helped more than 4.5 thousand children and provided assistance to almost three thousand adult patients.
They built the first hospice for children and adults in Kazan, which they called the House without Pain and which was recognized as one of the best in Europe. The motto of their work is “If a person cannot be cured, this does not mean that he cannot be helped.”
Now the Foundation’s team is building another hospice in Kazan, which would allow it to provide assistance to a much larger number of people. They have a mobile service. In the regions of Tatarstan, the Foundation opens palliative rooms to help rural residents. Today there are already nine such offices.


  • A great achievement of the Kazan hospice was the creation of the first Registry of patients in Tatarstan in need of palliative hospice care
  • The Kazan hospice currently has 185 patients on its patronage register, including 120 children and 65 adults
  • Children with terminal cancer are kept in hospice until the end without any limitation on the length of their stay
  • Children with severe progressive diseases, with higher life potential, are with their parents in a hospice for a social respite (when parents with a seriously ill child are admitted to a hospice hospital for 21 days, receive qualified palliative care. Parents can also leave the child in the hospital to solve their problems: vacation, repairs, psychological relaxation)







During the operation of the Kazan hospice, since 2011, palliative hospice care has been provided to 3,331 patients in the hospital, as well as part of the outreach service (hospice at home).


Five-year experience has shown that hospices are in great demand. And one Kazan hospice with 35 beds is extremely small for the whole of Tatarstan. Therefore, the question arose about expanding the hospice hospital: the adult department to 100 beds, the children’s department to 40 beds. The Angela Vavilova Foundation is currently building a second hospital (Opened on February 12, 2024).



We met with the representatives from Hospice and inquired about their needs. They explained to us that in the service they provide they try to keep the lives of their patients as normal as possible. They create rooms for families to live along their children and they provide all equipment to help with the life in the clinic. We have contributed several units of equipment to be installed in the family rooms. 

Hospice is not about death, it is about life, a worthy life to the end.




Every patient of the hospice gets a special memorial place when they transition. 

The Angels alley shows pictures of hospice patients including the two daughters of the hospice founder. Vladimir Vavilov has tradically lost both of his daughters. 

The Angela Vavilova Charitable Foundation was established in March 2003 by Vladimir and Marina Vavilovs in memory of their five-year-old daughter Angela, who died of blood cancer.


How to help the Fund? To support this Fund’s work please use the following link for information: 

Official website : Kazan Hospice

Charity Mission 2022

Charity Mission 2022

We found out that the Spetsializirovannyy Respublikanskiy Dom Rebenka  in Kazan was in need of a cooling room for the produce they use to make  meals for children. They found it to be more effective to create a cooling room instead of using several refrigerating units. 

They have builts a special facility and the only thing they had left to do was to put a cooling system in it. We successfully located the contractor who delivered and installed the cooling unit .

We are happy to help this wonderful organization improve their food storage needs.

Respublikanskiy Dom Rebenka Spetsializirovannyy


Cooling unit delivered and installed

Student stories


Why am I learning Russian?

Alicia Bradley

          When I was a little girl, I looked through my mother’s Russian textbooks from high school, and was amazed and wanted to learn a foreign language. Fast forward to junior high school where I signed up for the only foreign language offered: Spanish. Much later, I had the opportunity to spend a week in Croatia, and I listened to recordings for months prior so that I could speak a few words in the country, which actually came in handy a few times. Then in 2019 my family booked a Baltic Sea cruise and I mentioned to my son that I wished I could understand the Cyrillic alphabet and be able to say a few words when we got to St. Petersburg. He challenged me to take a Russian language class. I found Jane and Russian Heritage Society online and signed up for my first class, which started two weeks later. Six months later my family spent two days in St. Petersburg and fell in love with the country and our own Russian Heritage. We hope to return one day soon and be able to speak and understand the language enough to travel independently. 












Hannah Turley


It all started because I wanted to write a fan letter.

I wish that I could state a great and noble intention, like a great love of Pushkin and Dostoyevsky, an appreciation for fine art and opera–but honestly, I started studying Russian because I have a crush on a singer. His name is Denis Dmitriev, and he’s the star of a viral Youtube video in which he and the rest of a small military choir sing Adele’s “Skyfall.”

Writing a fan letter in English was out of the question. Hiring a translator was out of the question. Cheap moves. He learned English and sang beautifully in a language not his own, in front of the whole world, in front of an often cruel audience. Learning enough Russian to write a fan letter would be only a small tribute.

So I started studying–by every means available to me. And through some of my blundering comments on the choir’s videos, I even became acquainted with one of its members. I could easily send that fan letter to Denis Dmitriev, but I still haven’t done it.

It’s not because I’m shy or afraid of making mistakes. My Russian will never be perfect, although it improves every day. No, I think it’s because he is no longer my greatest reason for learning the language.

You see, I have encountered dozens of Russian speakers along my journey so far. Some of them I now have the honor of calling my friends. Each and every one of them has responded with such kindness, such a selfless desire to help, that I now live in a constant haze of stunned gratitude. My efforts to give back seem insufficient.

Even if the Russian language ceased to be so caressing to my ear, so intriguing to my brain, or to produce such inexplicable longing in my heart, I would continue learning. I’m now doing this for my current and future friends, for the warm and wonderful Russian speakers who have warmly greeted me and have never failed to lend a helping hand along my path.



Amenda Wong (Shapiro)


Мои родители приехали из Молдовы в 1973 году.  Они выросли на русском языке. Молдова находилась под контролем Советского Союза с 1940 по 1991 год. В детстве я говорила в основном по-английски и немного по-русски. Когда я стала старше, я увидела что теряю способность говорить и понимать по-русски. Поскольку у меня почти нет друзей с которыми я могу говорить по-русски я хотела сохранить эту часть меня. Я решила оставаться на связи со своей культурой и выучить русский язык. Я начала учиться с подкастов и использовать приложения. Сейчас я учу русский в этом классе. Мне очень нравится русский язык и культура.



Kevin B. Makel

 I grew up on a cattle ranch and went to small rural schools.  Halfway through high school my family moved to the San Francisco Bay Area. Being the transfer student at a new school meant I needed to make some friends quickly. The most interesting and intriguing people I met were the guys of Russian descent, their family stories of escaping the Soviet Union and immigrating to America through China were fascinating to me. Soon I had half a dozen Russian friends who spoke the language.

 I enjoyed their sense of humor and their pranks of slipping impolite Russian words into our school yearbook and newspaper.  One of my friends, Mike Viripaeff, was the nephew of the legendary Russian-American film actress Natalie Wood (Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko, Наталья Николаевна Захаренко).

Unfortunately, Russian language courses were never offered in high school or the college which I attended. Many years later I was on duty in the Balkans and after some time, I was able to understand my Serbian friends’ conversations. It was not Russian but similar in many ways.    Finally, after discovering that I have some Russian ancestry myself, I’ve decided to learn the language, gain a unique skill and explore a very interesting culture. I enjoy the intellectual challenge and as my cousin Pete, a teacher, stated “If you’re not struggling, you’re not learning”. Thus I’m doing a lot of learning.             



Ariza  Nanji

I have always struggled learning languages. Russian was no exception. Originally I decided to start learning the language due to work. I was working remotely in Central Asia and I would need to travel in the near future. After taking classes, I have found an interest for the language. While I still have to work to learn the language, coming to class has been fun. Each week I leave class feeling stronger in my language skills and I gain a greater appreciation for the language and the culture.


Thanks to Jane, I feel confident in my skills to try and take Russian in college – something I have always been too scared to attempt.





Rozaliya Asoyan 98th Birthday Celebration

Rozaliya Asoyan 98th

 Birthday Celebration

Jane and Dan from Russian Heritage Society visited Roza in a nursing home on April 1 to celebrate Roza’s birthday. She was in great spirits and was very happy to have visitors.

Rozalia moved to Kansas City in the 90s from Baku and since then participated in many events and even learned how to paint. Rozalia has gifted her friends paintings she created as a memory of friendship with her. 

Rozaliya Asoyan is an actress from Baku and WWII veteran

Rozaliya Asoyan with birthday flowers







Roza’s room

Roza enjoys listening to music, especially she likes old Russian songs. Dan plays guitar and traditional Russian instrument Balalayka.

Rozaliya resides in a Kansas City where she is visited by her friends from Russian speaking community